I can hardly believe Annaka has been with us for 4 months already. Sometimes it feels like she has been with us all her life and other times I feel like everything she does is new to me. While we waited for her we were so excited, we couldn't wait to get her home with us. I can honestly say it has been the best thing we ever did. I remember family and friends voicing concerns about the adoption. Wondering if Scott and I would have our hands to full with other things. Those of you who know us know what I am talking about. I never wanted to not adopt, I felt like it was like a pregnancy and I would never abort a baby because of another child. I knew we had enough love for all of them and I also knew that we are a good family with lots of good things to offer her. Now that Annaka is here we are so happy that we stuck with it. I look at her and I can not believe we traveled around the world to get her. Sometimes it makes me get teary eyed. We are so lucky to have been given this chance to have one more time to enjoy all the things little kids do. I realized how quick my children grew up and to get to do it one more time is a blessing. She to will be a big girl soon enough. But for now we enjoy the little things. Like the smiles, the hugs, the need to have us by her all the time, the way she hangs on our pants to get us to pick her up, the way she has learned that we are not going to leave her.. I love the way she loves Ally and Andrew, and treats both of them totally different.
She has started to say hi, so cute! She says MaMa, DaDa, baba, nana for banana, bye-bye. Yesterday on the way home form daycare we were going back and forth saying things.
Daycare, she is doing really good. When I first starting bringing her to Judy's she would cry when I gave her to Judy. Since last week she doesn't cry anymore when I hand her to Judy in the morning. And, she says bye-bye to Judy when I pick her up. I can tell she is doing really good there and getting more secure with Judy and the daycare children. Thanks, Judy for taking such good care of her.
So, we have made it this far. I cant imagine what 1 year will bring. Last year at this time she was a dream in my heart. Now I can hug and kiss her. Speaking of hugging her she is waking up to start her day. Better go get her~
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Playing ball
Jade really isn't to fond of Annaka, but once Annaka found the ball she was in for it. Annaka tried her best to keep it away from Jade. In one picture you can see Annaka tyring to figure out where it is when Jade has it in her mouth. They are funny together. Jade is getting such raccoon eyes from age she is 8 and such a nice dog.

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Bubbles, Bubbles and Bubbles
This is the coolest little bubble maker. It was 10.00 dollars at Walmart and makes a billion bubbles. All 3 of the kids loved it!!
Check out the hair on Annaka. This is our summer look. She gets so hot and sweaty that I have to pull it up to keep her cool. I even had to cut her bangs again. That's the 2nd time now.
She is sick this weekend. She came down with a fever yesterday afternoon and has been not feeling good all weekend. This is our first bout of fever and icky nose with her. She only wants me or Scott. Oh, and dont forget her "blankie". That thing is gold. She will take it and rub her mouth and suck her tounge. Laney does the same thing. Its a real sorce of comfort for her.
I hope she will be feeling better tomorrow. Poor little thing. Well, she just woke up and is crying "mama" gotta go~
Sunday, May 13, 2007
The first picture of them all together
Thinking of Annaka's Birth Mother

In honor of Annaka's birth mother. Without her I would not be celebrating Mother's Day with Annaka. I can't imagine not having her in our family. She is so fun, loving, smiley, curious, joyful, giggly, and so much more.
Thank-you for your decision to let Annaka have a better life. We love her so much. Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there!!!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
The things she finds to play with
Annaka can really make us laugh. This week her "favorite toy" is a rake and shovel that she got
for the sandbox. She has to have these with her all the time. If you try to pick her up she will bonk you on the head with the shovel. She has to walk around the house with them and if she decides to crawl the shovel and rake come with. Scott even put her down for a nap with the shovel last weekend. I couldnt believe it when I peeked at her and from the crib saw a yellow rake looking back at me??!! Here is a look at what we see every day lately.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
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