if you look real close in the middle picture you can see the polar bear deep in the woods! (ooohhh Gunner!)
There is Jade, she is so darn cute and the best dog ever. Annaka is sooooo in love with her Bro-Bro, she loved walking with him and exploring the woods.

I love walking on our road, it is so secluded and fun for the kids to explore. Andrew found a big puddle with ice on the top, that he just had to get a stick and crack it apart. Annaka found a "leaf trail" and a "polar bear" in the woods. The polar bear was our neighbors dog, Gunner. He is all white and has a big leaf pile deep in the woods that he lays in. After running into the polar bear we went to visit the other neighbors deer, he raises them and gets lots of onlookers watching them in the fall. Of course Jade had to come along to, she turned 10 this month and is really showing her age. She is so white in her face, but has the energy of a puppy still.