at the fair, petting the baby cows.
4th of July in the camper, Birthday with Uncle Kip.
Mr. Andrew getting his white belt from Karate, so proud!!
Summer has kept us really busy this year. Ally is in traveling softball this summer so we have kept busy driving back and forth to practice and going to all her games.
Today we went to the fair, of course we had to go through the cow barn first. I will post some pictures of it on here for you to see.
And last but not least.. we will be getting a new member of the family on July 31st. She is a 7 week old Golden Retriever. No name yet, we weren't expecting to find a female so we had a boy name all ready. Annaka would like to name her Roscoe but I just don't think it will work for me.
Its going to be really fun to have a new puppy around the place, I guess I have come to the conclusion that I am a animal person and will have several animals in my hosue for as long as I live.Our 10 year old Golden is going to love being a mom to the new one, she is so good with other animals and such a great dog.
So, thats it for now, posting has gotten so much harder with the kids getting older.
I will post pictures of the new arrival in 12 days, but whos counting?????