Today at around 10:15am my cell phone rang and our life's were never the same. We were sent the middle picture of Annaka and could only count the days until she was placed in our arms.
What a journey it has been. She has really changed our life's and our hearts.
Today she was up at 4:30am , i tried to lay her in bed with us but she wanted nothing to do with it. Now she is in our bed watching cartoons while we get ready to head to work. What a different life from the orphange when she would lay in her crib and wait to be held or touched by a cartaker. Breaks my heart....
Na-na does not like the sad picture of Annaka as she is always so smiley and sweet. I am sure that is how it was in the ophanage (many of them were sad) and now all these little ones are happy to be home in loving families.
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ummm huh??? dont know what that said?!! love you moo-moo!!
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