Thursday, January 31, 2008

Houston, we have a problem

Well, at least she is playing with her kitchen, but I didnt think sitting in the sink was part of cooking? She is such a goof ball these days. I laughed so hard when I found her like this. That is one good thing about a 2 year old they keep you laughing.
She gets so mad at us if we try to help her sing hte ABC's with her, she will hold up her and say no! She only wants to sing alone these days. She is getting to have quite the temper these days to. If she is mad at you for something she will let you know. What a nut!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute. Nolan is potty training, so when I saw this pic. of Annaka sitting in the sink,
I thought.... Oh I hope that she doesn't sit in that sink when she starts potty training! (You know how they get "busy" playing that they don't want to take a break and go to the bathroom to use the potty!)