Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Happy Birthday Kennady Hope!
Today is our God daugther, Kennady Hopes 6th Birthday. I remember the day you were born. You had the littlest knees I had ever seen. Happy Birthday Honey.. all the way from China!

pictures from the park on tuesday

The others are of the poeple flocking us at the park. And of course, the best on is Annaka's little toes!!
Wednesday, Jan 31st

Today we went to the Chinese Shrine and inside we saw a show.
After that Mary and Kristine took us to a village that would probably be similar to where Annaka came from. That was tough. The poverty in the village was unreal. The children followed us everywhere. They were so happy, running and talking. They could say Hello to us and were so excited. Tonight we will be going out to dinner with everyone from our group.
Annaka is doing good. We are seeing more smiles but it is still not all the time. We have noticed a lot of soothing behaviours she uses. When she wakes up in her crib she will move her head back and forth very quickly. It breaks my heart to see this. She will also rock while she sits. This morning she sat on the couch and rocked on the couch. If you know anything about Andrew, you know he does the same thing. We figure they are two peas in a pod. Our couch will be broke in no time. Kristine said that when the nannies fed the orphanes they would either go right back in their crib or in a walker so this is how they handled it. That's hard for us, we want to just love her all the time and take all that insecurity away.
Here are some of the lastest pictures. We are taking a ton of pictures but I can only post 4 at a time for some reason.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007

hi Ally and Andrew,
we miss you guys!! Annaka is sure lucky to such a good big sister and big brother!!
She is excited to see you guys! Are you having a good week? How was school today?
We love you THIS MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mommy and daddy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
4:30 am

Good Morning~ We are up , its 4:30. The time difference is still not the easiest t0 get used to.
Annaka is doing good she is sleeping right now and off course Daddy is holding her while he watches some TV. Yesterday was a really busy day. We started getting on the bus at 10:45, the civil affairs office is across the street but you wouldn't want to cross the street here. Seriously, the traffic is unreal. The cars, buses, mowpads and bikes do what ever they want when ever they want to. If you want to turn you just start to turn, it doesn't matter if there is a bus coming at you. When we got there we were the only 4 families there. The room was very nice and big, but cold! About 10 minutes after we were there, they brought the babies in. There was about 7 staff to about 14 babies. When they put them down on the benches they would just tumble over, they were sooo bundled up they wouldn't get hurt anyway. We tried to find Annaka, but I think we were looking at Carol and Mikes' baby. When they started to give us the babies, they call your name and you have to show them your passport then the man says "this is you baby". Some babies are quiet some are loud (I wont name names...Laney!). Annaka was pretty quiet, she would cry but not bad. After we all got our babies we were able to leave. The bus took us back and we were told by Kristine not to bathe them or change their clothes. I was glad she told us because the first thing you want to do is clean them but we didn't. WE did take off her socks though! She has very cute, little feet. Except they sink horribly!!She feel asleep at 1:00 and then I had to go to sign papers at 1:30. Michon and I went down and Raina and Scott would meet us down stairs at 2:00. Laney was having a harder time. She was crying a lot more and didn't want much done with her. She did let them feed her and with a fight she got her diaper changed. They all handled it different and Raina and Michon did great with her.Then Scott and Raina went downstairs they had to sign the papers and the girls got their foot prints done. After that it was back to the civil affairs office. We had to get a family picture for her birth certificate and then we met with another lady who asked us why we choose adoption. Then of course we had to give them the amount of money they needed. I let Scott handle that part. It was glad to get rid of all that cash. They gave us a very beautiful vase as a keepsake for Annaka. When we got Annaka from her orphanage we also got a beautiful necklace for her and a business card form the orphanage. I thought that was very nice of them. I was not expecting that.We had one more stop. We had to get in the bus again and go to yet another building for the notary of the documents. We all got called family by family and we were asked questions by a gentleman, while Kristine translated what we said. When I was asked what my age was I said "36 then I said, oh no, Raina is 36 I am 35!!" GOOD GRIEF! I think Kristine thinks we are connected at the hip!After that it was done, Kristine said ,"Congratulations you are legally your daughters parents."
Annaka was still doing great, she was just watching everyone. We hadn't gotten a smile yet. Then Michon came in and did the tickle trick and she started to laugh and smile. that was really nice to see. We went downstairs to eat with Raina, Michon and Laney. Laney was doing much better, she was very content and takes it all in. I have yet to hold her though, maybe today. We attempted to eat, its just not same as American food. The girls down in the restaurant are so cute. They asked me what Annaka's Chinese name was and when I said it they all started to giggle. I asked them what they were giggling about and they said, " superstar" I guess Wan Ci Ling is a famous superstar in Tokyo. After supper we visited in our room with Raina and Michon and Laney. Annaka was giving Laney a hard time cuz shes a "superstar!"Then we decided it was time for a bath, she did good. She cried but we got her clean and it felt good. Scott said her feet still smelled. She took a bottle and was asleep. I was up with her at 12:30.Annaka is so cute, she is so much littler than I expected. She has a lot of hair for all those barre ts I bought. Today we are going to a park and then another store to buy more baby supplies. I suppose diapers and baby food. We will get more pictures of both girls today and post them. It was hard to get alot of pictures of Laney yesterday. I will leave you with this picture of Annaka.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
HERE SHE IS!!!!!!!!!
A couple pictures for your viewing pleasure
Annaka's Crib

In less than 16 hours we will have a baby to go in this crib. It still doesn't seem real to me. I just cant imagine having her with us.
We met with Kristine and she said we will get the babies and then we will go back to the hotel. About 3 hours later we have to do paperwork then we go to the Civil Affairs Office for more paperwork and for our "family picture".
Kristine took us to a store just a block away so we could get our supplies. WOW, do the people stare at us! We asked Kristine if they were okay with us adopting or are they angry at the people that come over to get the babies. She said the people here are happy to have us take the babies. She said they will swarm you when you are out with the babies. To only let them touch their hands and face and not let them hold her (we wouldn't anyway). I am just amazed at the people who just stare. They don't care if we see them or not. They are just amazed by us. It is a very weird feeling to say the least.
Well, Scott is down at Raina and Michon's room so I guess I will head down there.
Then next time I post it will be with a picture of Annaka!!
We made it!!!!

We finally made it. I am not going to sugar coat and say it was a easy flight because it was really hard!!! Our first flight was over 13 hours, that took us to Tokyo then we went from Tokyo to Guangzhou and that was 5 hours. 17 hours on a plane is really hard! We got to our hotel last night at 12:00am and had to be back to the airport at 7:00am this morning. We only flew for 1 hour to get from Guangzhou to Nanchang. Its nice to be here, Scott and I got lucky. They over booked the hotel and we got upgraded to a big room. It has a couch and desk with plenty of space for Annaka and Laney to crawl around. The other couples are very nice. The first couple is from the Cities and the other couple is from New Jersey. Today we will meet up with our guide Kristine at 3:00 to go over the BIG DAY. We have to go through our documents and then she will take us to a store to stock up on water, pop, formula and rice cereal for Annaka.We just ate at the restaurant in the hotel, the food is really different and we are hungry. We are hoping to get some food at the store to keep in our room. Our appointment is at 11:00 tomorrow. I still cant believe that she will be ours after that.
We miss you Ally and Andrew. We have the sign up that you made us Andrew in our room so we can look at it everyday. We also have the list you made Ally of all the fun things you want us to bring back.. Hugs and Kisses!!! XOXOXOXOX
Thursday, January 25, 2007
It's Time
We are ready!!! Suitcases packed, backpacks ready, documents are all ready to go.
We have had so many well wishes and we really appreciate everyone's support through out this journey (even our TIKI friends who at times thought we were making the whole thing up!).It has been an up and down road. We never expected it to take this long. Ally was 6 and Andrew was 4 when we started our journey. Ally is now 9 and Andrew 7. I think they are great ages to be big sister and brother. That is the one thing I am really looking forward to. We have had some tears from Ally tonight about leaving, but I think they will be okay. Between school, dance, church and having Grama and Grampa here time will pass quickly.
Raina and Michon are ready to go and I thank God we get to experience this with our best friends. Not to many people get to have a journey that they get to have there buddies with them the whole way through. Annaka and Laney will continue to see each other after the plane lands and we go home. That is really something special.
So, this is it... 2 1/2 years later we are finally ready to go get our daughter.. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers! I will try to post from Tokyo tomorrow night but if I can't we will post as soon as we can. Love, Heather and Scott
We have had so many well wishes and we really appreciate everyone's support through out this journey (even our TIKI friends who at times thought we were making the whole thing up!).It has been an up and down road. We never expected it to take this long. Ally was 6 and Andrew was 4 when we started our journey. Ally is now 9 and Andrew 7. I think they are great ages to be big sister and brother. That is the one thing I am really looking forward to. We have had some tears from Ally tonight about leaving, but I think they will be okay. Between school, dance, church and having Grama and Grampa here time will pass quickly.
Raina and Michon are ready to go and I thank God we get to experience this with our best friends. Not to many people get to have a journey that they get to have there buddies with them the whole way through. Annaka and Laney will continue to see each other after the plane lands and we go home. That is really something special.
So, this is it... 2 1/2 years later we are finally ready to go get our daughter.. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers! I will try to post from Tokyo tomorrow night but if I can't we will post as soon as we can. Love, Heather and Scott
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Well, we are getting more and more ready. I have now packed Annaka's stuff 2 times. I hope that is it! I have to put my clothes on top of it all,so I better be done.
Tomorrow I have to bring my cat, Echo out to my Mom and Dads'. Echo is 20 so he needs some special attention while we are gone. The kids are off school tomorrow so that will be nice to have them with me. They are getting so excited. I have planned some neat surprises while Scott and I are gone to keep their mind off of how long the trip will be. Scott's Mom and her husband, Gordy will be staying with the kids while we are gone. I can't tell you how much that helps to know that the kids get to stay in their own surroundings. Scott and I are feeling a little nervous, excited, overwhelmed, anxious.. You name it I think we have felt it.
1 more day till we leave!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Could this be Annaka?

I joined a group of families who have gotten their children from the same orphanage as Annaka. When I opened my email yesterday one of the members had written saying she had taken some pictures at the orphanages when they had traveled there about 3 weeks ago while getting their daughter. She posted them on her blog and wanted to see if we recognized any. This is the one we think looks a lot like Annaka. We have stared at this picture with Annaka's referral picture and Scott swears it is her. Its not the most pleasant picture, but not many of the pictures were. Our friends were really lucky, there was 3 pictures of their daughter on it. That was really neat! The pictures were a eye opener for us. I am just so thankful that she will be in our arms in a week. So, what do you think? Is it her?

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Happy Birthday Annaka!!
Today is Annaka's First Birthday. It feels weird to have a daughter out there who is one today, that we can not hug, tell her we love her or celebrate her day with her.
Ally and Andrew are going to bake a cake for her today and we will sing to her. I think when she gets older she would like to know that we celebrated her special day. We are thinking of her a lot.
It is getting so close. The biggest thing now is to get our paperwork in order. I just want to make sure we are bringing all of the correct documents.
We are going to meet up with Raina and Michon before we leave go through everything.
At this time next week we will be in China. yyyiiipppeeee!!!
Ally and Andrew are going to bake a cake for her today and we will sing to her. I think when she gets older she would like to know that we celebrated her special day. We are thinking of her a lot.
It is getting so close. The biggest thing now is to get our paperwork in order. I just want to make sure we are bringing all of the correct documents.
We are going to meet up with Raina and Michon before we leave go through everything.
At this time next week we will be in China. yyyiiipppeeee!!!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
8 more days
WOW! We leave in 8 days. Time is flying by.
We got our travel intineary yetsterday. The best part is the 2nd day we are there we will get Annaka.
Here is the trip planned out...Remember we leave on Jan 26th but arrive in Tokyo onh Jan. 27th.
01.28 Pick up four families with CZ3539 at 9:55a.m.at Nanchang airport, transfer to Galactic Peace
International Hotel.
01.29 Families meet and get babies in the Civil Affairs office in the morning.
Take family pictures, do registration in Civil Affairs and notarization. Apply for babies’ passports in
the afternoon.
01.30 Shopping for babies.
01.31 Sightseeing tour. Check notary papers.
02.01 Sightseeing tour.
02.02 Get babies’ passports. Fly to Guangzhou with CZ3536 at 4:20p.m.
02.02 Pick up families with CZ3536 at 5:45p.m. to White Swan Hotel.
02.03 Take babies’ visa pictures and have medical examination for the babies.
Fill out INS forms for the consulate interview.
02.04 Sightseeing tour in Guangzhou.
02.05 Interview for the families.
02.06 Get babies’ visas in the afternoon.
02.07 Fly Home
We got our travel intineary yetsterday. The best part is the 2nd day we are there we will get Annaka.
Here is the trip planned out...Remember we leave on Jan 26th but arrive in Tokyo onh Jan. 27th.
01.28 Pick up four families with CZ3539 at 9:55a.m.at Nanchang airport, transfer to Galactic Peace
International Hotel.
01.29 Families meet and get babies in the Civil Affairs office in the morning.
Take family pictures, do registration in Civil Affairs and notarization. Apply for babies’ passports in
the afternoon.
01.30 Shopping for babies.
01.31 Sightseeing tour. Check notary papers.
02.01 Sightseeing tour.
02.02 Get babies’ passports. Fly to Guangzhou with CZ3536 at 4:20p.m.
02.02 Pick up families with CZ3536 at 5:45p.m. to White Swan Hotel.
02.03 Take babies’ visa pictures and have medical examination for the babies.
Fill out INS forms for the consulate interview.
02.04 Sightseeing tour in Guangzhou.
02.05 Interview for the families.
02.06 Get babies’ visas in the afternoon.
02.07 Fly Home
Saturday, January 13, 2007
I think I might be getting stressed out. I have been trying to get everything done. I have everything bought for the trip for Annaka. Today we went and found a little snow suit. I think we are going to be outside a lot sight seeing so we needed something warmer than a coat. I have read that the people there will come up to you if your daughter is not dressed warm. They really like to dress the little ones warm. I have made a list now, so I can keep track of everything. We have gotten most of our stuff we need for the trip bought. The only thing that we still need is a plug for the computer. We had to buy 50.00 dollars worth of plugs just to use our blow dryer! I would wear a hat, but I am afraid that would scare Annaka.
That's the other thing I am getting really nervous about, Annaka. How will she be? Will she like us at first, or will she be afraid? Will she want to be held by both Scott and I or just me? Will she sleep? ugh!! See, I am stressing!!! It will all be okay, I know. Its just getting so close! I am not complaining I have waited to long for this to complain. I just need to take a very deep breath! UGH!
That's the other thing I am getting really nervous about, Annaka. How will she be? Will she like us at first, or will she be afraid? Will she want to be held by both Scott and I or just me? Will she sleep? ugh!! See, I am stressing!!! It will all be okay, I know. Its just getting so close! I am not complaining I have waited to long for this to complain. I just need to take a very deep breath! UGH!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Were on our way
We have gotten our travel dates!
We will be leaving on Friday, January 26th at 1:10 pm and arrive in Tokyo at 4:40 PM (there time, 14 hours ahead of us).
Then we go from Tokyo to Guangzhou (6:10 to 10:45pm). We will have to spend the night in Guangzhou that night.
On Sunday January 28th we go from Guangzhou to Nanchang (8:30AM to 9:55AM).
I think we will be exhausted from traveling, so I am assuming it will be a day of rest. If we can, because the next day we will get Annaka!!
As far as the rest of our travels I am not sure. As of now we know we will be traveling home on February 7th.
There is a lot that goes on in those 11 days. We have different places we have to go to get Annaka's Visa and Passport before we travel home. She will not be a US citizen until we hit ground in the good old USA!
Over 2 years we have been doing this. Its still really hard for me to believe that in less than a month we will meet our daughter, bring her home and have her forever!!!
I have been busy getting stuff together for a baby. Its like starting over. I attempted to put the car seat in my van this morning and I couldn't even figure out how to work the thing. Scott is going to have to help me figure this one out. We got bottles, diapers, wipes, toys, medicine, shoes and CLOTHES. I have to say the clothes part is the best. They couldn't make any cuter clothes for girls. I cant wait to see what they have in China, Raina and I have heard things are very cheap!
well, till I hear more I will sign off.
Andrew is having his first sleep over with a boy from his class. He has been talking about it all week. He and "John" are down stairs playing the play station. Unfortunately for me ,that means I have to cook a real supper....
We will be leaving on Friday, January 26th at 1:10 pm and arrive in Tokyo at 4:40 PM (there time, 14 hours ahead of us).
Then we go from Tokyo to Guangzhou (6:10 to 10:45pm). We will have to spend the night in Guangzhou that night.
On Sunday January 28th we go from Guangzhou to Nanchang (8:30AM to 9:55AM).
I think we will be exhausted from traveling, so I am assuming it will be a day of rest. If we can, because the next day we will get Annaka!!
As far as the rest of our travels I am not sure. As of now we know we will be traveling home on February 7th.
There is a lot that goes on in those 11 days. We have different places we have to go to get Annaka's Visa and Passport before we travel home. She will not be a US citizen until we hit ground in the good old USA!
Over 2 years we have been doing this. Its still really hard for me to believe that in less than a month we will meet our daughter, bring her home and have her forever!!!
I have been busy getting stuff together for a baby. Its like starting over. I attempted to put the car seat in my van this morning and I couldn't even figure out how to work the thing. Scott is going to have to help me figure this one out. We got bottles, diapers, wipes, toys, medicine, shoes and CLOTHES. I have to say the clothes part is the best. They couldn't make any cuter clothes for girls. I cant wait to see what they have in China, Raina and I have heard things are very cheap!
well, till I hear more I will sign off.
Andrew is having his first sleep over with a boy from his class. He has been talking about it all week. He and "John" are down stairs playing the play station. Unfortunately for me ,that means I have to cook a real supper....
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
TA's or almost
Our agency contacted us today to let us know that they got travel approval from China for our group to travel . I guess I thought that would be a date to travel, but unfortunately not. Now they fax them back and with in 48 hours they will let us know the date of the consulate appointment. She said to expect a date by Friday. So, more waiting!!! I have never waited so much in my life!
She thought it would be January 26 or 27th. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for January 18 or 19th. Then we would get Annaka on her 1st birthday! How neat would that be.
I haven't mentioned much about our friends that are also adopting mostly because I want to ask their permission first, but our daughters share the same birthday. So it will be double special.
I don't think they would mind me telling everyone that. And no, they are not twins.
So until we hear more I will sign off~
She thought it would be January 26 or 27th. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for January 18 or 19th. Then we would get Annaka on her 1st birthday! How neat would that be.
I haven't mentioned much about our friends that are also adopting mostly because I want to ask their permission first, but our daughters share the same birthday. So it will be double special.
I don't think they would mind me telling everyone that. And no, they are not twins.
So until we hear more I will sign off~
Monday, January 01, 2007
No travel date yet
We had our telephone conference call on Friday. It lasted 2 hours. We got lots of information about what to expect when we get to China and what we will see. Our agency thinks we will be getting our travel date this week so we should be able to get things moving.
With Chirstmas and everything else this month, things are moving very quickly. We cant wait to go get Annaka and bring her home.
Life will be a lot different but well worth it.
With Chirstmas and everything else this month, things are moving very quickly. We cant wait to go get Annaka and bring her home.
Life will be a lot different but well worth it.
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