Good Morning~ We are up , its 4:30. The time difference is still not the easiest t0 get used to.
Annaka is doing good she is sleeping right now and off course Daddy is holding her while he watches some TV. Yesterday was a really busy day. We started getting on the bus at 10:45, the civil affairs office is across the street but you wouldn't want to cross the street here. Seriously, the traffic is unreal. The cars, buses, mowpads and bikes do what ever they want when ever they want to. If you want to turn you just start to turn, it doesn't matter if there is a bus coming at you. When we got there we were the only 4 families there. The room was very nice and big, but cold! About 10 minutes after we were there, they brought the babies in. There was about 7 staff to about 14 babies. When they put them down on the benches they would just tumble over, they were sooo bundled up they wouldn't get hurt anyway. We tried to find Annaka, but I think we were looking at Carol and Mikes' baby. When they started to give us the babies, they call your name and you have to show them your passport then the man says "this is you baby". Some babies are quiet some are loud (I wont name names...Laney!). Annaka was pretty quiet, she would cry but not bad. After we all got our babies we were able to leave. The bus took us back and we were told by Kristine not to bathe them or change their clothes. I was glad she told us because the first thing you want to do is clean them but we didn't. WE did take off her socks though! She has very cute, little feet. Except they sink horribly!!She feel asleep at 1:00 and then I had to go to sign papers at 1:30. Michon and I went down and Raina and Scott would meet us down stairs at 2:00. Laney was having a harder time. She was crying a lot more and didn't want much done with her. She did let them feed her and with a fight she got her diaper changed. They all handled it different and Raina and Michon did great with her.Then Scott and Raina went downstairs they had to sign the papers and the girls got their foot prints done. After that it was back to the civil affairs office. We had to get a family picture for her birth certificate and then we met with another lady who asked us why we choose adoption. Then of course we had to give them the amount of money they needed. I let Scott handle that part. It was glad to get rid of all that cash. They gave us a very beautiful vase as a keepsake for Annaka. When we got Annaka from her orphanage we also got a beautiful necklace for her and a business card form the orphanage. I thought that was very nice of them. I was not expecting that.We had one more stop. We had to get in the bus again and go to yet another building for the notary of the documents. We all got called family by family and we were asked questions by a gentleman, while Kristine translated what we said. When I was asked what my age was I said "36 then I said, oh no, Raina is 36 I am 35!!" GOOD GRIEF! I think Kristine thinks we are connected at the hip!After that it was done, Kristine said ,"Congratulations you are legally your daughters parents."
Annaka was still doing great, she was just watching everyone. We hadn't gotten a smile yet. Then Michon came in and did the tickle trick and she started to laugh and smile. that was really nice to see. We went downstairs to eat with Raina, Michon and Laney. Laney was doing much better, she was very content and takes it all in. I have yet to hold her though, maybe today. We attempted to eat, its just not same as American food. The girls down in the restaurant are so cute. They asked me what Annaka's Chinese name was and when I said it they all started to giggle. I asked them what they were giggling about and they said, " superstar" I guess Wan Ci Ling is a famous superstar in Tokyo. After supper we visited in our room with Raina and Michon and Laney. Annaka was giving Laney a hard time cuz shes a "superstar!"Then we decided it was time for a bath, she did good. She cried but we got her clean and it felt good. Scott said her feet still smelled. She took a bottle and was asleep. I was up with her at 12:30.Annaka is so cute, she is so much littler than I expected. She has a lot of hair for all those barre ts I bought. Today we are going to a park and then another store to buy more baby supplies. I suppose diapers and baby food. We will get more pictures of both girls today and post them. It was hard to get alot of pictures of Laney yesterday. I will leave you with this picture of Annaka.
How adorable she is. We can't wait to see her.
Heather we need the name of the airline, the flight number, and the time of your arrival on Febuary 7th.
Gramma Marianne
"Bad memory"
She looks so happy/peacful sleeping. Get those little toes clean so we can kiss them when she arrives home. Fun to see the difference in the two babies. Lani will warm up soon,with lots LOVE from her Mommy/Daddy/Ashley...she is just a little insecure; plus, has no hair - she may be cold. She needs one of those cute crocheted hats tjat Tess has to keep her toasty. Have Fun!
she is such an angel!! just adorable. sounds like you all are having quite the adventure! im glad that you can all share this special time together!! i cant wait to hear all of your stories. give your sleeping beauty a kiss on those cheeks from her auntie michaun!! love yah!! x0x0x00x
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