We finally made it. I am not going to sugar coat and say it was a easy flight because it was really hard!!! Our first flight was over 13 hours, that took us to Tokyo then we went from Tokyo to Guangzhou and that was 5 hours. 17 hours on a plane is really hard! We got to our hotel last night at 12:00am and had to be back to the airport at 7:00am this morning. We only flew for 1 hour to get from Guangzhou to Nanchang. Its nice to be here, Scott and I got lucky. They over booked the hotel and we got upgraded to a big room. It has a couch and desk with plenty of space for Annaka and Laney to crawl around. The other couples are very nice. The first couple is from the Cities and the other couple is from New Jersey. Today we will meet up with our guide Kristine at 3:00 to go over the BIG DAY. We have to go through our documents and then she will take us to a store to stock up on water, pop, formula and rice cereal for Annaka.We just ate at the restaurant in the hotel, the food is really different and we are hungry. We are hoping to get some food at the store to keep in our room. Our appointment is at 11:00 tomorrow. I still cant believe that she will be ours after that.
We miss you Ally and Andrew. We have the sign up that you made us Andrew in our room so we can look at it everyday. We also have the list you made Ally of all the fun things you want us to bring back.. Hugs and Kisses!!! XOXOXOXOX
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