First Class Ticket: $5000.00
Business Class Ticket: $2,000.00
Lap Seat : $280.00
Trip Home in Suitcase: PRICELESS

Today we hit the wholesale mall, the regular mall and
KFC. The
Chinese people love
McDonalds and Pizza Hut. The crowds in these
restaurants is unreal. They even had a security guard inside
KFC. We got some pearl
earring's for the girls (yes, Ally we got you a pair also). Then we hit the mall. We actually
didn't find much there. The clothes are little different in the mall compared to the shops around here. Kristine and
Rebecca (our new guide) took us to the DVD store also. We got some
DVD's for 2-5 dollars a piece. You cant beat that. Our new guide is as nice as Kristine. Mary did not come with us to
Guangzhou so that is where
Rebecca comes in. We tease her because she says everything twice to us. I told Raina she needs to be on Sesame Street. They both also tell us to "make sure to bring the babies"where ever we go. Like we would forget? After that we hit
KFC. The guys love there
KFC and the babies love the mashed
potato's and gravy.After that we came back to the hotel and hit the shops around town. The clothes are so darn cute and so cheap. I picked up some
Chinese gowns for
to wear in her yearly pictures up to age 5, they were around 3.50 a piece. The people in the stores follow you everywhere. Raina had a lady come up to her and tell her Laney was not dressed warm enough and her socks were to tight. This did not make Raina happy, and from now on Raina said she is going to tell them to mind their own business!! Tomorrow we will be getting the famous "red couch" pictures done. This is a tradition at the White Swan hotel. Here are some pictures to leave you with.. The one of
Annaka is a smile. She is smiling a lot more. We did notice today that she smiles more at the
Chinese people than us. We figured this is because that is what she has seen for 12 months.
We also want to say thank-you for all the postings and emails. It has been really nice to hear from everyone back home. I guess this blog thing wasn't such a bad idea after all.