Well, we are adjusting to the changes of having Annaka with us. Biggest of all would have to be sleep... ugh. The first night she was up most of the night. After the long flight home Scott and I were so exhausted that we took care of her in shifts. The second night we got alittle smarter and tried to keep her up, but by 7pm she was fast asleep along with Scott on the couch. Last night was alittle better, she slept from 8pm-3:15am. I actually felt rested when I got up. So now it is 4:15am. Scott is holding her and I am tyring to catch up my blog. I will try my hardest to keep up with this, but it is a lot harder with her with me now. Everyone has told me how much they like to watch Annaka, and I enjoy doing it.
We have had some company, not to much yet. Annaka's cousin Abby stopped over to meet her yesterday. She sure thought she was a cute, Annaka put her charm on with her smiles. She is smiling so much more now. I seriously had my doubts those first few days when we saw no smiles.
Annaka is getting very attached to me. I cant imagine what it will be like after being home with her for 3 months. She seems to do better with Scott if I am not in the room. I think it is hurting daddy's feeling alittle so I try to walk a way so they can have some special time.
Ally and Andrew are in love with her. They run in after school to see her. I have to wonder if this will wear off eventually. Either way they are sure happy to have a little sister finally home.
Yesterday we went to target with her, she did good. We got a excersaucer. I just wasn't sure when we were going to get her if we would need one for her or not. Since she doesn't walk though it is really nice to have. She inst exactly sure of it yet, but I know she will like it after a couple tries. She is trying to crawl more and more. She can scoot a couple times but gets pretty worn out. I think she has so much more room to do things now then in the orphanage.
Here are a cople pictures of her first days home...
We have had some company, not to much yet. Annaka's cousin Abby stopped over to meet her yesterday. She sure thought she was a cute, Annaka put her charm on with her smiles. She is smiling so much more now. I seriously had my doubts those first few days when we saw no smiles.
Annaka is getting very attached to me. I cant imagine what it will be like after being home with her for 3 months. She seems to do better with Scott if I am not in the room. I think it is hurting daddy's feeling alittle so I try to walk a way so they can have some special time.
Ally and Andrew are in love with her. They run in after school to see her. I have to wonder if this will wear off eventually. Either way they are sure happy to have a little sister finally home.
Yesterday we went to target with her, she did good. We got a excersaucer. I just wasn't sure when we were going to get her if we would need one for her or not. Since she doesn't walk though it is really nice to have. She inst exactly sure of it yet, but I know she will like it after a couple tries. She is trying to crawl more and more. She can scoot a couple times but gets pretty worn out. I think she has so much more room to do things now then in the orphanage.
Here are a cople pictures of her first days home...
Annaka and her parents sure look tired...maybe the weekend will help to get some good rest in your warm home. The updated pictures are so cute; especailly the one in her exerciser. We will be visiting tomorrow to meet our new grand-daughter and see the rest of the gang.
Stay warm...bitter cold in Minnesota!
Pa-pa and Na-na
Hi, Heather! So happy to read your blog again. We can't wait to meet Annaka. We may be in Rochester Feb. 23-25, so maybe we'll stop by if that's okay. Hope you guys get some more sleep. Ally looks beautiful in that outfit. Take care!
looks like everyone has adjusted into their roles greatly!! :) so excited to meet her, oh and see you too :) hehehehhe.
Hi everyone! It's Nicole. I had talked to Aunt Brenda and she said that you had this so I checked it out. Annaka is SOOOO cute! I can't wait to meet her. I was thinking that when Aunt Brenda and Uncle Tim get back from Florida that I'd stop by in Wabasha and come with them and visit. I do check my e-mail a lot now so if you want to e-mail me my address is: nbinz429@hotmail.com Tell Uncle Scottie, Ally, Andrew, and Annaka that I love them and I will see them soon. I won't be at home till Sunday, my mom and Jim are on a cruise and they locked me out so I'm staying with friends, but call me sometime. Love you, Nicole
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