This is what an adult looks like with pink eye! I look like I have been out drinking for a week straight! When the doctor saw me he
couldn't believe it. He said I will look like this for about 3 or 4 more days. When Andrew had it a week ago he had a couple crusties and I thought that was bad... Lets hope
Annaka doesn't get it.

One way to keep you home and get your rest...get PINK EYE! Sure glad that Annaka is finding her way around the house, so she can be a big girl and take care of her Mother when Ally/Andrew are not around. Annaka is really getting around...we want her to stay little...*******
oh heather!!!! you poor thing!! i hope they gave you something to relieve some of your itching, and irritiation!! if you need anything let me know. im only a phonecall away :) when youre feeling better, we'll have to do coffee!! that ALWAYS makes me feel good :) take care!!!
Hi Heather,
Talked to you today. Had forgotton how bad pink eye can look on an adult.
Hope you get it behind you soon. The baby looks like she is making herself right at home and that is great. We will be out to see you all soon.
Marianne and Gordie
I will wait till you are over PINK EYE tho!
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